Thursday, July 21, 2011

     When I graduate from college I plan to move out of Ohio, to fulfill my dream of becoming a lawyer. Seeing as I want to become a Corporate lawyer, I feel New York is the right city to gravitate toward.  True there are homeless people everywhere you go, but for me being homeless is not an option. So I plan to move right outside the the "big apple," into a nice cozy apartment I found after browsing on All the apartments on the  website are comforting to the eye. But the one that caught my eye most, are the Curling Club apartments in Hoboken, NJ. I Love Jersey its the home of Cake Boss and Jerseylicious, my favorite shows. 
     Who wouldnt love to live in apartments with such a warm name. When I think of the word curling I think about balling up in my soft bed and getting well deserved beauty sleep. Jersey is not far from New York City. I love the party scene and the busyness of it all. The apartment is great because I can drive to the city in no time to party and get home to a nice, quiet neighborhood to sleep. I hope to someday live in these apartments, and they will be taken into serious consideration after graduation. has some of the best looking apartments, and soon I'll be saying I found my new humble abode on

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Book?


       I'm not the biggest fan of books, or reading, but i have read a couple...three...good books in my life that were mandatory for school. Those books were Push based on the movie Precious, Hatchet about a lost boy trying to survive, and To Kill a Mockingbird. And out of those three if i had to take one book into the future it would be To Kill a Mockingbird. Though the book starts out a little boring as it goes on the events start to become more interesting. The movie deals with the issues dishonesty, rape,  racial inequality, and standing up for whats right. The narrator's father is a lawyer who is defending a African american male who is on trial for supposedly raping a trailer trash white girl.  Atticus (father,lawyer), is a hero because he's defending this black man, and no matter what the people in the town are saying he's doing what right, looking at the issue colorblind.  Atticus's children are effected because they have to go to school and hear how their daddy is a nigger lover, and the narrator, Atticus's daughter Scout is constantly getting into fights with the boys because she doesn't like her father being made fun of. In the end the black man on trial is found innocent because the evidence ending up showing that the white girl was actually abused by her father who likes to put his hands on  people when he gets drunk. 
     The movie has a lot of good themes that would make you want o read it over and over. This should mean a lot especially coming from a person who hates to read. To Kill a Mockingbird is a book that can entertain, as well as educate people on life and how certain issues have been and will always be relevant in our society.   

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect Poster      My favorite movie of all time is the Butterfly Effect. This film which came out in 2004 was directed by Eric Bress. The actors in this movie are Amy Smart, Melora Wlaters, and the most famous Ashton Kutcher. This movie is a mixture of drama, suspense, and sci-fi.  I'm not the type of person to really watch scary or sci-fi movies, but this movie I felt like i had to watch after seeing the previews, and I was glad i did because, it was the best. The movie is about a boy who suffers from memory blackouts. No one really believes he blackouts until he comes back to conscience and things are different. This happens to him as he grows up in lives his life throughout college. He keeps a journal of some of the events that have happened. When he reads them the words start to move, and take him back in time to that event. He tries to change the bad that happened at that time but when he goes back to the present time it just changes something else. Nothing ever gets better for him or the family and friends in his life. In the end after having a talk with his mother he's told he was a miracle baby, so he takes it as he was never meant to be born so he goes back in time to make that happen, and the movie ends with him never existing.   

Monday, May 23, 2011


    Yes its true technology has taken over the world. The fact that you can start your car without physically putting the key in the ignition is just crazy. cars that can drive and park themselves...Crazy!!! But thats goes to show how advanced our world is. The new developments in technology are made with good intentions of bettering, and making our lives easier. All the inventions are good, but at the same time their starting to make us lazy. 
    We are becoming more dependent on technology, especially the younger generation. Nothing is done the old fashion way, by hand anymore. Instead of going to the library to research a topic, all you have to do get on Google, and theirs everything you need. Older adults are started to look at the younger generation and just say its a shame how the world has changed drastically and everyone is just lazy. My one professor is old fashion, and instead of using the internet to do a paper, he made us use books, and any use of the internet was banned. My dad always says that our generation is lame because we've become so dependent and lazy on everything but ourselves. True technology has enhanced our world, but its your choice on how you deal with change.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What's on my mind??

    I know that education is important, and that we should stay in school as long as we can but, it really sucks at the fact that while every other school is out and all of our friends are at home Wright State students are stuck here for another month after everyone. True we only have three weeks left, which is not a lot of time but I feel like those three weeks are taking forever, and that June 10 is never going to come.

   This quarter I only have one real final and that's for math. I was happy at the fact that I don't have finals for my other classes which is less pressure. But what makes it bad is that the final is on June 10, the last day were here. My birthday is June 8, and I was planning on being home when that day came. I been trying to  get my math teacher to move up the final, as well as other students in my class, but she says the world doesn't revolve around us and that she has other classes to worry about. So i just have to chalk it up, stick it out, and go hard on these books for these last couple of weeks, and hope when school is over that I'll come out with at leaset a 3.0

Sunday, May 8, 2011


        At first I was not understanding why everybody on Facebook and Twitter were talking about Osama, but when I started flipping through the channels, I saw the headline "President Obama has announced the death of Al Queda leader Osama Bin Laden." When I saw that the first thing I said was I thought he was already dead. And surely that's what all of America thought. I feel the fact that the government lied about something so serious like this means the government is sneaky and fishy like I've always thought. I said to myself I don't know if I should be happy or scared.

     But for all these years we've thought he was dead, and the world was still having problems, and people were still living their lives, so honesty him being officially dead doesn't mean much to me. Because the government could still be lying, Osama could be chillin somewhere with other Pakistani leaders, we don't know forreal. I don't trust nobody specially not the government. And for those people in New York and the rest of the world dancing and celebrating the fact that he's dead is wrong. Yes, he did kill a lot of people but celebrating ones death, is disrespectful, and their going to hell. My friend made a joke saying the Middle East is going to raise gas to $20 a gallon just because were happy with the death of Osama. No i wasn't sad that Osama's "dead" but I'd never be happy about someone being dead no matter how bad they messed up.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


          I'm a Facebook user. I only created a profile my senior year of high school. As of right now I have a little over 700 friends. The ONLY reason I decided to make a Facebook page is to be able to keep in contact with some people from my high school who I was not giving my phone number to. When it comes to writing statuses, I'm VERY cautious of what I post because people in my family have Facebook pages, and everything I do gets back to my parents, and though I'm a legal adult that means nothing to my parents. Also, if I was trying to get a job, especially out here in Dayton I was told jobs look at your Facebook to see what kind of person you are. I make sure not to use profanity, write sexual, and distasteful things. When it comes to what others post, if they decide to post something I don't feel is appropriate I delete it, but if they're just saying "Hey" or "Showing Love" that's fine.

   I definitely feel like some people have become addicted to Facebook. I have friends and know people who write a new status almost every hour, some less than that. Me personally I don't take Facebook that serious because in a way, it's not real life. For businesses who have decided to make Facebook pages, I think its a good way to promote themselves because it's Free, every ones favorite, and they know a lot of people especially young ones have Facebook pages so its a easier way to connect with them. But some risks of having Facebook pages are younger children feel it's o.k. to make fake pages and act older than they are. I have a friend whose little sister decided to do that, and she went to meet the man that she was talking to, and sadly she almost got hurt. Also, their was a girl whose father wrote on her wall some of the most disrespectful things, and she ended up committing suicide. Facebook has it's ups and downs but if people remember that it's just a social site, nothing to be taken serious they should be fine.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Career

      When it was time to pick a major for college, I knew exactly what I was going to choose, and that was to be a Criminal Justice major. I choose this because I've always wanted to be a lawyer. Since I was a little girl I've been a Law and Order SVU junkie. I feel like being a lawyer is exciting, and I know I'd be great at it. Because some of the qualities I posses are I'm great at arguing, and I was n the debate team in high school. I truly don't like arguing with people because I feel like its a waste of my time, but I know I'm good at it, and whether I'm right or wrong I'll make you think I'm right, and I hate losing who doesn't want to get paid for something their good at.
     Once I graduate from college I plan on moving to Atlanta, or New York to get my career started. The city just depends on what type of lawyer I want to be. My ideal employment in Atlanta would be, to be a celebrity lawyer, working at a great firm, making of the title for myself as the female Johnny Cochran. In New York I'd be a corporate lawyer, working at a firm who had clients like Macy's, Target, Walmart, Ralph Lauren, and others. To get where I want to be I know I have to succeed in college, and my dreams will become a reality.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life Without T.V.

      If we could unplug all the TV sets in America, our children would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent human beings.???

    To answer this question, its fifty, fifty. The reason kids would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent without t.v. is because they wouldn't be so worried about what the media has to say as far as looks go, how they should act, and what they should do. Majority of younger children are easily influenced by what they see. Cartoon's, reality shows, and especially videos can change ones behavior. Me personally I've never been the type to care about what others or the t.v. had to say. But I did have a friend who felt she had to have whatever she saw on t.v,and by any means made sure to get it. Most importantly without any television I honestly feel like kids would  grow up a lot more respectful, the the t.v. really does have a "spell" over young kids.
     The reason the t.v. wouldn't help our children grow up healthier, better educated, and more independent is because,though t.v. is at the top their are other ways to influence children like with magazines, and people. Now a days no one can really think on their own, and if someone wants something to be a certain way they now how to manipulate, to get what they want. With no t.v magazines are their, to tell you how to look, dress, and what you should have. Its sad that no one really has a mind of their own, but we've been brain washed to live a certain life.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Me and The Monkey

    The painting I choose was Frida Khalos's, Self Portrait with a Monkey.  When it comes to the Purpose of this painting it was her showing a calmer side, and though her face is serious and it is said that monkey's are a sign of lust, she's showing a loving side with the monkey. The type of Audience she's trying to express herself to is anyone who has love for animals. Which is everybody but me.  The Stance or feeling toward the paining is love, and compassion, becuse she's sitting there and has the little monkey resting on her shoulder, and the jungle in the background could denote that she likes nature.
     The Design of the paintiing is simple. She uses colors that are warm because thats the jungle. Everything blends with eachother,but the green in her hair stood out to me because it felt a little out of place. Overall the painting gets two thumbs up, and though I'm not a big animal lover I still have an attraction this painting.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

WHY Wright State??

To me education is important, and yes I've always dreamed of going to college. But when it came to Wright State I feel like I choose it for the wrong reasons. Since my sister went to this school I thought it would be okay, she even told me the schools not bad, but if it wasn't that bad she wouldn't have ended up going home. Also, I felt that I needed to get away from home, but three and a half hours is honestly too far especially when its boring, Wright State. I never thought to look at what the school offered to see if it would be right for me, because I really didn't care. I just knew this was the only school I applied for and, if I was going to another school it was going to be outside of Ohio, something I knew I wasn't ready for as a freshman. But once I got here and started getting a feel for things, my mind opened up, and I feel like my bad choice turned out to be okay, and I'll be sticking around for the next four years.