Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life Without T.V.

      If we could unplug all the TV sets in America, our children would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent human beings.???

    To answer this question, its fifty, fifty. The reason kids would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent without t.v. is because they wouldn't be so worried about what the media has to say as far as looks go, how they should act, and what they should do. Majority of younger children are easily influenced by what they see. Cartoon's, reality shows, and especially videos can change ones behavior. Me personally I've never been the type to care about what others or the t.v. had to say. But I did have a friend who felt she had to have whatever she saw on t.v,and by any means made sure to get it. Most importantly without any television I honestly feel like kids would  grow up a lot more respectful, the the t.v. really does have a "spell" over young kids.
     The reason the t.v. wouldn't help our children grow up healthier, better educated, and more independent is because,though t.v. is at the top their are other ways to influence children like with magazines, and people. Now a days no one can really think on their own, and if someone wants something to be a certain way they now how to manipulate, to get what they want. With no t.v magazines are their, to tell you how to look, dress, and what you should have. Its sad that no one really has a mind of their own, but we've been brain washed to live a certain life.



  1. Sadly, what you're saying about people not thinking or having a brain of their own is so true. Too many people are influenced by the garbage that comes on TV. Good blog and picture.

  2. I completely agree with all the brain washing that is happening to generation after generation. What ever happened to the days where shaking the butt was not allowed. Now we don't need anything that extreme but stuff they air now days is way too much.
