Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Book?


       I'm not the biggest fan of books, or reading, but i have read a couple...three...good books in my life that were mandatory for school. Those books were Push based on the movie Precious, Hatchet about a lost boy trying to survive, and To Kill a Mockingbird. And out of those three if i had to take one book into the future it would be To Kill a Mockingbird. Though the book starts out a little boring as it goes on the events start to become more interesting. The movie deals with the issues dishonesty, rape,  racial inequality, and standing up for whats right. The narrator's father is a lawyer who is defending a African american male who is on trial for supposedly raping a trailer trash white girl.  Atticus (father,lawyer), is a hero because he's defending this black man, and no matter what the people in the town are saying he's doing what right, looking at the issue colorblind.  Atticus's children are effected because they have to go to school and hear how their daddy is a nigger lover, and the narrator, Atticus's daughter Scout is constantly getting into fights with the boys because she doesn't like her father being made fun of. In the end the black man on trial is found innocent because the evidence ending up showing that the white girl was actually abused by her father who likes to put his hands on  people when he gets drunk. 
     The movie has a lot of good themes that would make you want o read it over and over. This should mean a lot especially coming from a person who hates to read. To Kill a Mockingbird is a book that can entertain, as well as educate people on life and how certain issues have been and will always be relevant in our society.   

1 comment:

  1. This is my mom's absolute favorite book and after reading it in high school I have come to find that is a wonderful story, I completely agree!
