Monday, May 23, 2011


    Yes its true technology has taken over the world. The fact that you can start your car without physically putting the key in the ignition is just crazy. cars that can drive and park themselves...Crazy!!! But thats goes to show how advanced our world is. The new developments in technology are made with good intentions of bettering, and making our lives easier. All the inventions are good, but at the same time their starting to make us lazy. 
    We are becoming more dependent on technology, especially the younger generation. Nothing is done the old fashion way, by hand anymore. Instead of going to the library to research a topic, all you have to do get on Google, and theirs everything you need. Older adults are started to look at the younger generation and just say its a shame how the world has changed drastically and everyone is just lazy. My one professor is old fashion, and instead of using the internet to do a paper, he made us use books, and any use of the internet was banned. My dad always says that our generation is lame because we've become so dependent and lazy on everything but ourselves. True technology has enhanced our world, but its your choice on how you deal with change.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What's on my mind??

    I know that education is important, and that we should stay in school as long as we can but, it really sucks at the fact that while every other school is out and all of our friends are at home Wright State students are stuck here for another month after everyone. True we only have three weeks left, which is not a lot of time but I feel like those three weeks are taking forever, and that June 10 is never going to come.

   This quarter I only have one real final and that's for math. I was happy at the fact that I don't have finals for my other classes which is less pressure. But what makes it bad is that the final is on June 10, the last day were here. My birthday is June 8, and I was planning on being home when that day came. I been trying to  get my math teacher to move up the final, as well as other students in my class, but she says the world doesn't revolve around us and that she has other classes to worry about. So i just have to chalk it up, stick it out, and go hard on these books for these last couple of weeks, and hope when school is over that I'll come out with at leaset a 3.0

Sunday, May 8, 2011


        At first I was not understanding why everybody on Facebook and Twitter were talking about Osama, but when I started flipping through the channels, I saw the headline "President Obama has announced the death of Al Queda leader Osama Bin Laden." When I saw that the first thing I said was I thought he was already dead. And surely that's what all of America thought. I feel the fact that the government lied about something so serious like this means the government is sneaky and fishy like I've always thought. I said to myself I don't know if I should be happy or scared.

     But for all these years we've thought he was dead, and the world was still having problems, and people were still living their lives, so honesty him being officially dead doesn't mean much to me. Because the government could still be lying, Osama could be chillin somewhere with other Pakistani leaders, we don't know forreal. I don't trust nobody specially not the government. And for those people in New York and the rest of the world dancing and celebrating the fact that he's dead is wrong. Yes, he did kill a lot of people but celebrating ones death, is disrespectful, and their going to hell. My friend made a joke saying the Middle East is going to raise gas to $20 a gallon just because were happy with the death of Osama. No i wasn't sad that Osama's "dead" but I'd never be happy about someone being dead no matter how bad they messed up.